Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Doctor Julie McMillan~Part 2

Tom had rented a room in his classmate Ted's house while he was in college. Louisa was Ted's sister. She was just a kid back then. He had to admit she wasn't a kid anymore. The fellows all teased him because Louisa would follow him around and moon over him. It was embarrassing then and he was really embarrassed now.
Tom had fallen in love with Julie McMillan when he first saw her pounding a bully on the playground because he was picking on a kid much younger and smaller than he was. Julie didn't seem to return the feelings then or all through high school.
Tom was determined to be a doctor and spent most of his time learning all he could from Doc. Since Julie had joined the practice, she was always pleasant but a bit aloof. Tom was mortified when he learned that Louisa would be living in Mrs. Wharton's boarding house just two doors down from his family home.
Louisa was very efficient in the office and Julie had no complaints about her work but she was none too happy with the way she acted with Tom. She had gotten in the habit of waiting for Tom to leave his house in the morning and stepping out of the boarding house at the same time so they could walk to work together. She arranged for Julie to take all the late appointments freeing Tom up to walk her home. Louisa made up her mind she was going to marry Tom Campbell when was 12 years old. She knew he was planning to return to Camden Corners after he graduated from medical school. She figured she would be just the right age for marriage at that time and was so happy her Aunt Martha just happened to live in Camden Corners. She knew it was fate when Aunt Martha told her Mary McMillan was looking for someone to take over for her while she was on vacation.
Louisa was getting very frustrated. She had done everything she could think of to make Tom fall in love with her. She knew she was very pretty and had a lovely figure. She had her choice of any number of fellows back home. Tom was kind to her but there was no spark.
One day she noticed that Tom was looking at Julie with longing in his eyes and she immediately knew what the problem was and her name was Julie. Somehow, some way she would have to make sure he got over those silly feelings. Louisa began her vendetta that very afternoon. Julie had written a prescription for nausea medication for Joey Barber after he had eaten too many green apples. Louisa knew enough about medication to know that if she just changed one or two letters, Joey would be given something to make him just a little bit sicker. She would purposely write down the wrong messages for Julie or tell Julie she had time to go to lunch and then her next patient would show up and be left in the waiting room for an hour.
Tom was beginning to be suspicious of Louisa. Ever since she started working in the office mistakes were being made and the fault always seemed to point to Julie. Then the call came in from Mr. Flanagan. His son had fallen off a ladder and wasn't moving. Louisa said she would send Julie there right away but didn't even attempt to contact her. Tom happened to be taking a walk by the fish hatchery and noticed the commotion. He examined Terry Flanagan and determined he'd had the wind knocked out of him and would be just fine after a short rest. Mr. Flanagan said he had spoken to Louisa and she was sending Julie but Julie never arrived. Tom confronted Louisa. She tried to tell him she had given Julie the message. As it turned out, Julie was seeing the Henderson family at their home.. Each one of their six children had come down with the chicken pox that morning. Julie had been there for several hours and wasn't upstairs sleeping as Louisa said she was. Tom wanted an explanation and Louisa admitted she wanted Julie out of the picture so Tom would notice her. Tom was normally a very calm and easy going man but his friends and neighbors were being jeopardized by Louisa's foolish behavior.
“You are fired and you are lucky I'm not calling the sheriff to have you arrested for impersonating a human being. Julie McMillan is a fine doctor and the woman I love and have always loved now get out.”
Julie walked into the office just at that moment and was speechless but not for long. She opened her purse and handed Louisa her pay and stood next to the man she had loved for as long as she could remember. Louisa made a quick exit and while Julie and Tom were kissing and laughing and kissing some more, she was on her way to pack her bags to get out of town.
Martha Wharton hated to admit it but she was glad to see her niece go. Louisa Andrews was a very annoying young lady.

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